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Membership Includes:
Level 2 Primal Trust™ Mentorship (immediate full access after completion of Level 1)
Level 3 Advanced Teachings (access after completion of Level 2)
Recordings/ video library access- 200 hours+ somatics, neuroplasticity, sound healing, more
Forum Access
Live Q&As, live zoom community classes and more
Live Study Group Access
Live Class times vary between 5am-5pm PST Mon-Fri on zoom.
The course is not just a set of lessons and resources. You also become part of a supportive and enthusiastic community of people just like yourself.
Or Save 2 months free with a 1-year membership! Cancel anytime, no hitches.
Please note that we have a NO REFUND policy for charges already paid to Primal Trust™ Academy and Community.
Any digital product purchased on Primal Trust™ www.primaltrust.org (Create Your Brain State, LLC) is considered a non-refundable item.
The Primal Trust™ membership offers access to all content included on the platform, therefore customers have the ability to access/download all of Dr. Cat’s years of effort and knowledge. Due to this, NO refunds will be issued for any product purchased from Primal Trust™ www.primaltrust.org (Create Your Brain State, LLC).