Hear Cathleen King, DPT, talk about her personal experience of chronic Lyme disease, and how she went from bed bound to thriving largely through the power of neuroplasticity and nervous system regulation

Sharing her full chronic Lyme story for the first time, including how she found her way out of suffering and how she now leads others through the process so they too can find freedom from chronic illness, stress and trauma


The chronic stress response is an underlying factor keeping your immune system function impaired, detoxification limited, and general endocrine, digestive, other systems out of balance (i.e. it’s not just the diagnosis making you feel bad)​. The good news? Improving nervous system function directly through self-regulation and brain retraining increases your ability to self-heal from a myriad of conditions.



Resolving inner CONFUSION of Self vs Other from the psyche to the cellular level​.

What’s me? What’s foreign?  

What’s my responsibility? What’s theirs?​

What are my needs? How can I meet them?​

Cathleen King, DPT, discusses the common patterns she sees contributing to unresolving symptoms and the link between an aggravated/confused psyche and an aggravated/confused immune system.



  Brain Retraining utilizes the practices of self-directed neuroplasticity to target the limbic system of the brain so that your chronic stress response can be reduced.​

Nervous System Calming tools targeting the vagus nerve and other mind-body feedback loops creating safety and coherence in the body.​

Cathleen King, DPT, is the CEO and Founder of the popular online nervous system regulation and neural retraining membership platform, Primal Trust™ Academy and Community. She navigated her way through nearly 2 decades of chronic illness and is now a wayshower to others wanting to make transformational health and lifestyle changes.

This webinar and ebook shares both science and personal perspectives gathered from working with hundreds of individuals with chronic illness. We’re going to cover brain retraining, nervous system regulation, personal patterns and mindset shifts. We break down the Primal Trust™ Level 1 program, Regulate™ specifically, and share how it can help you.

The biggest take away we would like you to get from this material is that there’s a more self-empowered approach to overcoming Lyme disease. We want you to think about the possibility of a different route being out there, one not exclusively focused on killing pathogens, but that deeply supports your mind and body to heal along with any Lyme treatments you may choose to do.


General opinion is that nervous system regulation may not have a meaningful influence on improving Lyme symptoms without first killing Lyme bacteria. However, our initial data from the completion of our Level 1 program, Regulate™ is extremely encouraging and shows that Lyme sufferers who completed Regulate™ improved their functionality by 51%* in only a few short months!

*Based on our before and after surveys, pre and post taking Regulate™, and participant's self-assessed functionality.

Wondering how Lyme disease can be helped by regulating your nervous system?

Self-regulating your own biology has a profoundly positive impact on immune health and function:

Nervous System Regulation & Lyme

Who is Primal Trust™ For?

Does Brain Retraining Really Help with Lyme Disease?

  • Primal Trust™ Academy and Community

    “Primal Trust™ has completely changed my life for the better. When I joined the Primal Trust™ Academy & Community, I had been sick for about 5 years and had tried everything my many doctors and specialists had prescribed, and that was just making me sicker and sicker. I am so glad I decided to take a different approach. I knew that I had started being sick after being under major stress for about 2 years. As soon as I started implementing the very first tools from the program I had a huge shift in my health, It took only 2 weeks to see the first improvements! I am not healed from my autoimmune diseases and chronic Lyme yet, these things didn't come up in just a few weeks, they are the results of a few years of nervous system dysregulation and traumas, therefore It will take time for my body to recover and feel safe enough to heal naturally, but this is the best I've felt in years! I can go out with my husband and friends, I can enjoy an occasional glass of wine, I can workout again, and I can do the things I love that I had not been able to do for so long.... I am so grateful for Cathleen King and the community, I no longer feel lonely and hopeless, actually it's quite the contrary — I feel supported and hopeful and I'm feeling more like myself everyday! ”

  • Primal Trust™ Academy and Community

    “Primal Trust™ is the best thing I have done for myself ever. It is incredibly valuable and has helped me gain awareness into my behaviours and trauma patterns. It's given me tools to help navigate life, and to be compassionate with myself, to recognize the shame and fear I have; where it stems from and to regain a deep connection with myself. In turn this has strengthened my marriage, helping me understand resistance and trauma patterns that I have been holding and this has helped me become truly emotionally available. I am calmer, happier and healthier. My symptoms are almost non-existent now and my digestion has drastically improved! No more nausea!

    I am so grateful to Dr.Cat, and this community for this experience and for creating a safe and supportive environment to do this extremely important self care work.”

  • Primal Trust™ Academy and Community

    “I am truly grateful for this program. After a lifetime of living in fear and with anxiety, I now feel a sense of calm. I had lot of tools thrown at me over the years but this is the first program to really tie it all together for me. My mind is no longer racing, my symptoms don't rule my days, I am not looking for the reason behind the symptoms or what "I did" to cause them to happen. I am able to exercise daily and walk my dog 2+ miles a day. I recently started to drive again. The best improvement is being able to fully engage with my husband and step daughter and to enjoy family time together again.

    I’m doing exponentially better, and I no longer let my illness define me. I am excited for all the future holds for me.

    Thank you, Dr. Cat for all of the energy you put into this program. I was hesitant to start it, it took me months to finally do so, and it is the best thing I have done for myself.”

  • Primal Trust™ Academy and Community

    “Such a thorough and comprehensive foundation for healing! Dr Cat has brought all modalities together and included all the theory, so you understand the 'why' behind the 'what' we need to do. A LOT of thought and hard work has gone into this course! I am mostly out of freeze/ shutdown state after just 10 weeks, so I know I am on the right path using Dr Cat's tools for healing my nervous system! YAY and thank you Dr Cat and team!”

For more information and to read about Primal Trust™ Academy and Community in full, please head to:
